Implementation of Stem Cells

Implementation of Stem Cells   The future is




Mesotherapy   Mesotherapy is a medical


MEDICOCOSMETICS Many different applications can

Low Level Laser Therapy (SOFT LASER) Applications

Low Level Laser Therapy (SOFT LASER) Applications


Thermal Jadestone Massage Bed Therapy

A remedy for unbearable back and lumbar pains: Jade Stone

Back and lumbar pains, a common problem of our age, are no longer a problem thanks to jade stone massage bed therapy which is being applied in our clinic. Massage puts blood circulation back in line and provides relaxation.

There is no one who doesn’t complain about pain no matter the age. Thin or overweight, most of us complain about back and lumbar pains. Thanks to the developments in modern medicine and technology, new solutions are created for these pains every day. However, alternative treatment methods never lose their popularity. When combined with technology, one of the best healing stones of the Far East, jade stone, relieves you of your pain, heals your arthrosis, muscle pains, weakness, tiredness and rheumatoid problems by Jade Thermal Massage Bed, which we began to use in our clinic.

MASSAGE WITHOUT A TOUCH BY HUMAN HANDS: Jade stones in the beds which have been commonly used throughout the world for years especially in U.S.A., Canada, Brazil, England, Germany, systemically move and relieve the body from the pain. Experts speak of the miraculous effect of the bed like this: “In these beds, massage is applied without human hand’s touch, taking off your clothes, and oil. This massage does not just relax your body; it also heals some medical problems because it improves blood circulation. The purpose is to shape up the spine just as the day we were born and make it straight”.  Nerves coming out of an unhealthy spine cause many problems you cannot imagine. Due to wrong use of the spine, headaches, migraine, visual problems, sinusitis, shoulder pain, chronic cough, breathing problems, arm pain, chronic weakness, hemorrhoid and even skin diseases occur.

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Implementation of Stem Cells

Implementation of Stem Cells   The future is today ! You can benefit from stem cell treatment which will become standard treatment of the future today! Stem cells are undifferentiated biological cells that can differentiate into specialized cells and can divide (throughmitosis)

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What is Carboxytherapy?

What is Carboxytherapy? Carboxytherapy is injection of CO2 under the skin for treatment purposes and increasing the regional metabolism in the tissue. CO2 gas is first used in 1930 (Royat thermals, France) and it has been used for medical purposes ever since. Treatment is quick, comfortable

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What is Kinesio Tape?

What is Kinesio Tape? Although Kinesiotaping is a treatment method developed in Japan in 1980, it is a local treatment method which is recently recognized in our country such as Europe and America. Kinesiotaping is a treatment option that can be preferred after orthopedic and neurologi

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JOINT LAVAGE   It is an application for removing cartilage pieces that break away from the cartilage tissue in painful joints, enzymes that cause cartilage damage and biochemical substances that cause pain directly. Here, liquid drug is given into the joint and taken back a co

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INTRAVENOUS MICRONUTRIENT TREATMENT Myer’s cocktail is an intravenous vitamin and electrolyte combination given in high therapeutic doses and it is injected directly into blood circulation in order to increase energy capacity and cell functions. Myer’s cocktail idea came forth from

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MEDICOCOSMETICS Many different applications can be administrated seperately or combined for this purpose. For example: 1. Cell rejuvenation with PRP and PRP gel filling 2. Preparation of the skin by dry needling, manual or automotically and supporting with PPP or PRP 3. Wri

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PRP PRP is the short definition for Platelet Rich Plasma. PRP is a new treatment method. It is a hopeful solution that will quicken healing of musculo-skeletal system injuries and diseases in a natural way without taking any risks. Blood is made of red cells, White cells, plasma and th

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Low Level Laser Therapy (SOFT LASER) Applications

Low Level Laser Therapy (SOFT LASER) Applications   What is laser light? The word laser is the abbreviation for "Light Amplification of stimulated Emission of Radiation". Normal light is a white light, the combination of all colors. However, laser light takes the color

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Mesotherapy   Mesotherapy is a medical application that treats or manages pain or disorders by local microinjections to related areas in the body. Oral drugs, intramuscular or intravenous injections do not reach targeted organs as a whole; Because, a percentage of them are

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